Tuesday, January 13, 2009

_ Have Yu Ever ?.

Have yu ever had something tht yu wntd more then anything , but kno yu cant have right now because its really not the best thing for yu ?, However waiting is an option tht yu'd rather just rule out all together , but yer left w/ no other option BUT to wait ? Kinda where Im at right now . Stuck between what I want & what I need . Hopefully what I want doesn't slip away from me while I'm getting what I need . So I occupy my time & push my feelings aside to keep my mind off of what seems to be so far out of my reach & only time will tell what will become of this once so strong craving . So now I sit w/ nothing but a pocket full of anticipation .

1 comment:

Precious Arianna. said...

Wooww.. That's my life right now. Hahaa.. Intense, intense.